Your pooch has not gone out for a walk? Your fur baby has not passed stools for the last two days? Just how long can a dog go without pooping? If your dog has no or infrequent bowel movements it is suffering from Constipation. This is one of the most ailments associated with the canine digestive system. The telltale signs are straining while defecating, dry stools, crying, passing mucus, etc.

The usual reasons for dog constipation are;
- very little fiber in your canines’ diet
- insufficient exercise
- change in diet
- abscessed or blocked anal sacs
- an enlarged or inflamed prostate gland
- worms
- a large amount of hair accumulating in the digestive tract due to self-grooming
- matted hair around its anus use to lack of grooming
- ingested dirt, stones, bones, gravel pieces of toys, etc. trapping in the intestines
- tumors or masses in the rectum or anus causing obstruction
- trauma to the pelvis
- side effects due to medication
- dehydration caused by other illness
- neurological disorder such as paralysis
- an orthopedic problem causing pain while positioning to defecate
Signs and Symptoms
If your dog is not passing stools – it must be constipated. But how can you be sure? If the dog has no bowel movements for a day or two it will strain. It might even crouch and try to defecate. The other signs are;
- crying due to pain when it attempts to defecate
- other signs of pain such as cramps
- strains to pass stools
- the stools may be dry and hard like stones when you handle them
- passing loose stool mixed with mucus and blood
- blocked anus due to strings, grass, mud, feces and other objects – in or around it
- vomiting due to something unsuitable your pooch ingested
- lethargy due to sickness, medication or other reasons
- loss of appetite
These signs are similar to the ones you may see in case of a problem with the urinary tract. Thus, it is recommended to consult the veterinarian.

Logically, the treatment for constipation depends upon the cause. In many cases enlisted above your dog may require the veterinarian’s attention. Yet, here are some suggestions to treat the condition yourself.
- Increase exercise
- Administer a stool softener of a laxative
- Use medication that enhances the contractile strength or the peristalsis in the colon
- Another treatment activates the colon to produce certain enzymes
- Add fiber to your puppy’s diet such as wheat bran, canned pumpkin, etc.
- Give it a dose of Metamucil, Benefiber, Aloe Ferox, etc.
- Feed it milk of magnesia
- Feed it castor oil or mineral oil to lubricate its colon
- Feed it a high fiber diet prescribed by the vet
- Administer an enema by a professional only. It can increase the risk of toxicity of not done correctly.
In extreme cases of chronic constipation, the veterinarian may remove the fecal matter manually. Surgery may be required in a condition called megacolon.
FAQs on How Long Can a Dog Go Without Pooping?
The most common queries regarding no or irregular defecation are as follows
How Long Can a Dog Go Without Pooping?
Approximately, two days. Dogs usually treat themselves in case of constipation. But if the condition extends to 3 days then consult a doctor.
Which Dogs Are More Susceptible to Constipation?

Senior dogs may suffer from difficult or infrequent bowel movements. However other dogs showing the signs enlisted above may be as susceptible.
How Frequently Does a Healthy Pooch Poop?
Dogs with a healthy diet and lifestyle have their bowel movements 1 – 3 times a day. Though this depends upon their weight, breed, metabolic rate, age, other physical factors and the amount of food they eat. Puppies eliminate feces several times a day but this too depends on their age and breed.
How to Avoid Dog Constipation?
Most dogs experience constipation sometime or the other in their life. It is quite straightforward how to avoid this ailment. Maintain a well-balanced nutritious diet of vitamins, minerals, and fibers. The carbohydrates give the energy to pass stools. While the fiber give body to the feces that scrubs the lining of the alimentary canal.
Ensure that your pooch is getting enough fresh air and exercise. If you feed it dry food or kibble make sure the dog is well-hydrated. Do not give the dog toys and bones that may obstruct the digestive tract.
Some dogs eat grass and mud they must be monitored to prevent the blockage. This can be prevented by keeping your dog well-hydrated. In male pooches, neutering reduced the risk of constipation due to prostate enlargement.
What if the Dog’s Constipation Goes Untreated?
If your pet’s constipation is not treated it leads to obstipation or chronic constipation. This is the inability to empty the colon by themselves. In such a state the colon continues to pack with large amounts of feces.
There are unproductive straining and no defecation. This leads to loss of appetite, lethargy, build of toxicity, flatulence, and vomiting.